Thursday, August 16, 2012

Appreciation Night FIRC

Appreciation Night Dinner

15 August 2012

Again... new posting.. may i tell u something.. I'm now FIRC UTP members.. what is it?? Friends of Information Resource Centre Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.. ala2 pengawas perpustakaan gitu.. peewwwiittt

Dengan masa da suntuk, so xsempat nk prepare buat grand2. ktorg just buat mkn2 buka puasa sama2.. byk lacking masa dinner ni, sbb semua org rushing2 dgn hectic week (etc test, assignment, project....)
by the way, tahniah buat semua yg menjayakan dinner ni ye wlupun kita semua napak kekurangannya... just smile and let it be...

Me and Him

nothing to say... krik krik krik

knowing him make me smile, thank you very much... 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Annual Grand Meeting SRN UTP

thank you guys for voting me..
i dont believe that people trust me and giving me a chance to get involve in such a big club in UTP.. i really hope i can give my best commitment in this club...
dont know what to say more, but i really wanna do my best for this responsibility.. hope can cooperate with you guys well...
aza aza fighting...
remember me bila saya lalai ye... :-)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sudah cukup cukup2 sudah

Skrg aku ni asyik dgr lagu ni je.. mcm da xde lagu lain da.. hehehe...
lagu mcm org frust bcinta je... kihkihkih... but now, i m falling in love with who??
hahaha xdela.. xde boypren pown lo ni.. just ada scandal je.. wekkk da pandai2 scandal da skrg.. maklum la, org tu x approve kito pun.. semua org syg kite kan, but that doesn't mean he love me..
just behave yourself mira.... jangan duk perasan sgt org nk kat kte.... aishhh xpela, berangan2 pun jadi la..

waiting for a PRINCE come to propose me~~~~~

Thursday, March 22, 2012


10 March 2012

hi semua... rasanya da lama xbuka blog ni... last update pun bulan 6 last year.. now, nk buka cter baru la.. first of all, aku nk tulis ckit sal someone ni.. still not official, nothing ok... ape yg gmbr di atas, this one of my feveret photo.. u know why?? bcoz i'm starting to like him.. . ngehehe :p
i just know him, around 1 month... he's my bro friend.. my brother kenalkan saya kat dia.. hahaha... sedara2 ku pun da mula bertanyakan aku da ada bf ke belum?? kenapa? nk suruh kahwen da ke? gatal gedik gler bila ckp sal kahwen... nak tu mmg nak tp tunggu la aku da tua2 ckit... kihkihkih... siap ada nak kenalkan aku dgn laki ag... bajet lawa la aku ni.. muka cam hape je kan... for now, aku nk fokus kat study, maklumla aku ni bukan budak bijak.. masuk kelas pun terlongo je xpaham...
last, aku akan selalu update blog la lpas ni... bosan2 leh share kat sini.. hope there will be change of me...
To: sape2 yg rajin baca blog aku ni,, mesti korg bosan gler kan baca blog aku.. sory sgt2.. dui bu qi... this the way how me express 1 of my feeling... :P